feed a cat


feed a cat is an initiative of the fundraising site Gooding

Gooding GmbH
Oeder Weg 11
60318 Frankfurt

Represented by the managing director:
Felix Wassermann

Registered at the Commercial Register Frankfurt am Main, Germany under the registration number HRB 94859.
The registered office of the company is Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 

VAIT ID: DE280350839


You can contact us via phone:
+49 69 348 740 214

Or send us an email:

Image credits

All rights to logos, graphics and images of the companies are held by the respective rights holder. Use with kind permission.

The use of logos, graphics and images on the club and project profiles are the responsibility of the respective organization.

You can find the proof of third party image rights in the image credits >


feed a cat is a Gooding initiative | Made with by Gooding.de | Imprint | Privacy policy | Settings